East Jordan, MI Middle/High School, & The Michigan Army National Guard
Save the Flags had the opportunity of accompanying a MIARNG mission to East Jordan, Michigan on October 29, 2014.

White Hills Book Club
Save The Flags was honored to host a meeting of the White Hills book club at our Heritage Hall Welcome Center at the Capitol on Tuesday, October 22.
Save the Flags Thanks Douglas Hinton III
On Thursday, October 3, 2024, Mr. Douglas Hinton III adopted a flag carried by the Sixth Michigan Cavalry Regiment during the Civil War.

Colonel Thomas Stockton, 16th Michigan
On Saturday, September 14, 2024, Save the Flags was honored to attend and participate in two marker dedications honoring Colonel Thomas Stockton.

Save the Flags Thanks Karla Christenson
Save the Flags would like to extend our great appreciation to Karla Christenson for her recent adoption of a flag carried by the Ninth Michigan Cavalry Regiment.

Save the Flags Thanks The Millers
Bruce and Terri Miller recently adopted SC-228-90; a flag carried by the First (Three Months) Michigan Infantry Regiment--the very first flag of the very first Michigan regiment to see combat in the Civil War.

Michigan’s GAR Memorial Hall & Museum
Save The Flags was proud to be invited on August 20th to Michigan’s GAR Memorial Hall and Museum in beautiful downtown Eaton Rapids, Michigan to address a wonderful group of attendees.
Jackson Muster
Save The Flags was honored to be present at the Michigan Civil War Muster held at Jackson Cascades Park on August 24 and 25, 2024.

Dear Old Friends
While Save the Flags recently celebrated its 208th adoption, we take time to remember the very first adoption on this Throwback Thursday.

A Special Day of Commemoration
In a very emotional and moving day of activities, 80 descendants of Civil War soldiers and supporters of Save the Flags returned the replica battle flags back to their display cases.

Michigan Army National Guard
On July 17, 2024, Save the Flags had the honor of addressing the Quarterly Commanders meeting of the Michigan Army National Guard at their Lansing Headquarters.
Elmwood Station Questers
On Tuesday, August 13, 2024, Save The Flags hosted members and friends of the Elmwood Station Questers.

SUVCW Blair Camp Flag
Through the remarkable kindness and generosity of a young man--Douglas Hinton III-- Save the Flags was the beneficiary of a flag used by the Austin Blair Camp of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War from Jackson, Michigan.

N-SSA Northwest Territory members help “Save the Flags”
The State Director of the Save the Flags project, Matt VanAcker, attended the North-South Skirmish Association skirmish at Laingsburg, Michigan on July 28.
The Walden Woods Questers
On July 24, 2024, the members of the Walden Woods Questers joined Director VanAcker for a tour of the State Capitol and battle flag storage.
A Birthday Surprise!
On Saturday, July 20, 2024, Save The Flags hosted a “birthday party” for Sarah Whitus and some of her family and close friends.
The Norris’ Honor the 10th Infantry Regiment
David, Hannah, Molly, Dan and Judy Norris visited the flag storage unit at the State Historical Center in Lansing on July 11, 2024.
Gettysburg National Military Park
On Sunday, July 7th, 2024 Save The Flags Director and Curator Matt VanAcker was invited to present at the Gettysburg National Military Park, hosted by the Gettysburg Foundation as a part of their 161st battle anniversary events.
Fellowship Lodge #236 F&AM of Flint, Michigan
On Flag Day, June 14, 2024, The Fellowship Lodge #236 F&AM of Flint, Michigan and the Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation adopted a flag of the Tenth Michigan Infantry Regiment that was carried during the Civil War.