Save the Flags Thanks The Millers
Bruce and Terri Miller recently adopted SC-228-90; a flag carried by the First (Three Months) Michigan Infantry Regiment--the very first flag of the very first Michigan regiment to see combat in the Civil War. Save The Flags would like to thank the Millers for their steadfast, longtime support. The Millers have now adopted each flag carried by the First (Three Months) and the First (Three Years) Regiments.
Bruce Miller and Director VanAcker at the August 17th, 2024, Capitol flag event holding the replica of the First’s flag.
The First (Three Months) Regiment formed in Detroit and was mustered into Federal service May 1, 1861. On May 11, in a grand ceremony on the Campus Martius in Detroit, a beautifully painted regimental battle flag bearing the pledge “Michigan’s Daughters to her Sons, Defend It” was presented to the regiment. The flag sadly was captured on July 21, 1861, at the Battle of Bull Run. It was sent to Richmond and then repatriated after the war and eventually returned to Michigan. It is currently undergoing extensive conservation work at Textile Preservation Associates in West Virginia.