Filming on Eastern Battlefields, Day 1
This week Save the Flags and our production team, Motion Possible and Thompson Photography LLC, are at the eastern battlefields filming for our upcoming documentary/film on the Save The Flags project. We spent a very memorable and emotionally moving day filming at Fredericksburg, where Michiganders fought and died on December 13, 1862. We then traveled onto the site of the July 30, 1864, battle of the Crater outside of Petersburg, Virginia. We were within rods of the areas where the First Michigan Sharpshooters and the Second and Twentieth Michigan Infantry Regiments fought for control of the Crater.
Our production team at Fredericksburg at the stone wall beside the sunken road on Marye’s Heights-- left to right Dave Thompson, Matt Lamphere, Rob Blackshaw, Executive Director Michigan State Capitol Commission and Bradley Egen.
Mr. Braley Neale portraying a Company K, First Michigan Sharpshooter with a First Michigan Sharpshooters replica battle flag. Company K was composed entirely of Native American soldiers from northern Michigan. Mr. Neale is posing at the re-built entry to the mined tunnel at the Petersburg/Crater battlefield. The Sharpshooters went into battle with 100 men and suffered 62 casualties. Four of the surviving members would receive the Medal of Honor for actions that day.