Save the Flags Thanks Edward & Linda Karmann
State Capitol docent, Ed Karmann and his wife Linda (who also is a docent at the Hall of Justice Learning Center) recently made a donation to Save The Flags of an important artifact and have also donated funds to adopt the regimental flag of the Fourteenth Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment. Ed and Linda donated a Civil War Casey’s Infantry Tactics. volume that was carried, used and signed by a Lansing enlisted officer, Lt. Joseph W. Myers of Delta Township, Michigan. The book was in a family collection owned by the Karmann’s and family lore credits Lt. Myers as being a distant relative. The Karmann’s adoption will be formally recognized at the Capitol Heritage Hall on April 22nd at 7:00 p.m. as a part of a program being given on the Michigan battle flags of Gettysburg. Our sincere thanks to the Karmann’s for their great support of education and history.
(Left) Lt. Joseph W. Myers. Lt. Myers would settle near Cleveland, Ohio where he was buried upon his death in 1921. (Right) Ed and Linda Karmann standing beside their adopted flag carried by the 14th Michigan Infantry Regiment.
(Left) Inside cover signature of Lt. Joseph Myers. Lt. Myers commanded Company D of the “Jeffries Rangers” which formed in Lansing. He would end the war as the Acting Assistant Inspector General of the 14th Army Corps. (Right) Casey’s Infantry Tactics, Volume II. Many Civil War “citizen soldiers” were unversed in the important tactics used on the battlefield, so many of the young, inexperienced officers were literally “self-taught” and relied heavily upon books such as this in order to properly train and command in combat the troops under their charge.
Monument at Delta Center Cemetery marking the service of Delta Township boys who fought in the Civil War including Joseph and Abel Myers (brothers). The original Myers’ farm was just down the road from the cemetery.