1225th CSSB

Save the Flags was extremely honored to host the officers and soldiers of the 1225th CSSB, Michigan Army National Guard on Saturday March 8, 2025. The viewing of the flags was part of the 1225th’s “staff ride” and included seeing some of the flags carried by their paternal units, including the 1st Michigan Infantry (Civil War) and the 125th (W.W. I). The group also viewed the flags of “Detroit’s Own” the 339th which saw action in northern Russia in 1918-1919 as a part of the American Expeditionary Force, North Russia, the famed 32nd Division (W.W.I) and the 24th Inf. (Civil War).

Our thanks to Lt. Colonel Tom Vanden Bosch for organizing the visit.

1225th behind the flag of the First Michigan (Three Months) regiment that led the regiment at the first Battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861.


Honoring the “Shoe Club”


Bruce Miller’s G.A.R. Donations